Sydney Men's Festival

Sydney Men's Festival

Next Festival

Mon 6th to Sun 12th of January, 2025


Vijayaloka, which is the buddist centre next door to Minto Bush Camp, 36 Howard Road Minto Heights NSW.

Contact Peter Baker 0411 437137, The Sydney Men's Festival welcomes children (boys all ages & girls under 7). On site phone Vijayolka 02 9519 0440

Affinity Groups

At the previous festivals, we have formed small groups to provide support and companionship. These affinity groups have provided a focus for each of us to share our experiences throughout the Festival. The groups take turns in preparing meals, washing-up and cleaning.


Anyone at the Festival can present a workshop. In previous years, workshops have explored such issues as men's health, love, fear, shame and guilt, spirituality, anger, wild man, meditation, community, initiation, parenting, touch, sexuality and sensuality, wrestling, singing, massage.


The first meal of the festival will be served at dinnertime on Monday. For cost and health, meals are mainly vegetarian, sometimes with meat options, and are organised by the affinity groups with the help of the food coordinator. You are welcome to make arrangements if you have a special diet.


The camp is in bushland overlooking the Georges River, so there is plenty of opportunity for swimming and bushwalks. A cabaret is normally held on Saturday night.


Only a limited number of bunks with mattress are available in dormitories or cabins, so please bring your own sheets and pillow. Also as a back up, please bring a tent, sleeping bag, pillow and mattress.

Child Care

The Sydney Men's Festival welcomes children (boys all ages and girls under 7). Fathers are responsible for the wellbeing and behaviour of their children. A father's group is encouraged to meet once a day to discuss and coordinate children's issues and activities.

What to Bring

Sheets, pillowcase, sleeping bag, tent, mattress, pillow, towel, torch, costumes, musical instruments, insect repellent, and toys and creative materials for the young people.

Please do NOT bring drugs, alcohol, or pets.

SO!...........Dream up ideas for workshops you want to run. Tell your friends and workmates. Invite any interested men. Share this website. Pay on entry or register!


All care taken, but the organisers of this Festival will not accept any liability for personal injury, loss of property, or other consequential loss suffered by anyone who attends the festival, even if such loss of property or injury is due to negligence on the part of the organisers. Anyone who enters the festival site or attends the festival does so at his or her own risk.